Friday, September 11, 2009

Thinking About Today

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the September 1th Attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. It's a day to remember and to just think back on what happened then, where we are now, and what we are becoming as a nation, as communities, as families, and as individuals.

On September 11, 2001 I had just started 5th grade. I was young and didn't fully understand what had happened. I remember knowing that my country- the strongest country in the world- had been attacked by terrorists and it scared me. My school had everyone gather around the flag pole outside so that the Principal could give us the news in the best little kid version she could. They let us have a moment to just think about it and that was the first time I remember praying at school. Someone asked me what I was doing and I just told them that I was praying. They just kinda looked at me funny and that was that.

Today, I'm a freshman in college. I'm starting my adulthood. I'm in a new place with new people, and I like it. I was walking between my class and my dorm this morning and I saw a little patch of grass covered in little American flags. It touched me. I began thinking about how many people younger than me actually remember what happened. Are there those younger than me that remember it? Or is my age group the youngest rememberers?

In the future, I hope I never forget to tell my kids what happened. To tell them that even the highest security has its flaws. The only way to be completely safe from any harm is to trust God. At that point, harm-maybe even MORE harm-WILL come to you, but you'll have the assurance that he allowed it to happen and that if you just hang on, everything will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're old enough to have memories of this day. Kate remembers asking for socks! Eric remembers me crying. So your age group may be among the youngest to really remember it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You should write down everything you remember about that day before you get any older.
